Haloid Offers Free Safety Checks for Two-Way Radios in Film and TV Productions

b228fee2c3b562433f891bd67d86d4a6 Haloid Offers Complimentary Safety Reviews of 2-Way Radios Featured in Movie & Film Productions

NEW YORK, Dec. 13, 2024 — Hollywood excels in disaster films, but its depictions aren’t always realistic. Haloid Solutions noted several unsafe inaccuracies in the two-way radio portrayals in the movie Twister, prompting a safety alert.

Haloid Command provides governments, disaster preparedness organizations, and companies with interoperable radio communications via a mobile command center. Our vehicles include satellite technology to remain online 24/7, even when local communications are down. We also patch remote command centers with local first responders, and provide a video uplink from our LiDAR-equipped drone. Learn more at HaloidSolutions.com (PRNewsfoto/HALOID SOLUTIONS)

Dashboard-mounted mobile radios pose a serious risk to vehicle occupants. In accidents or sudden acceleration, the radio and microphone can become dangerous projectiles. Airbag deployment can also lead to punctures or shrapnel-like injuries from these improperly mounted devices. Such mishaps have resulted in numerous injuries and fatalities.

Secure mounting is crucial, ideally in the center console, using a bracket. Palm microphones should be attached to a metal clip, away from the airbag deployment zone.

Beyond safety concerns, many radio enthusiasts have pointed out inaccuracies in the film’s radio equipment. The unsafely mounted radios also lacked external antennas, rendering them inoperable.

Numerous movies and TV shows frequently depict inaccurate radio equipment, its operation, or its era. While viewers might miss these details, radio enthusiasts and amateur radio operators may try to replicate these unsafe practices shown onscreen.

Haloid offers complimentary safety reviews of radio depictions to ensure accuracy. We also provide historically accurate or modern equipment, tailored to location needs. Furthermore, we offer encrypted radios to protect filming operations from eavesdropping.

For more information or complimentary safety reviews, please contact Haloid’s

