Key Events to Watch This Week Include FOMC Meeting, Company Earnings Reports, and More

Last week showcased a dynamic trading environment, highlighted by significant earnings releases. Notably, Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) disappointed with its earnings yet saw a subsequent surge in its stock price, while Meta Platforms (NASDAQ:META) exceeded expectations only to endure an 80-point drop in after-hours trading, although it recovered much of that loss during the day. Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) made headlines by announcing its inaugural dividend payout.
This week, earnings remain a focal point alongside crucial economic indicators such as Non-Farm Payrolls, JOLTs, and the pivotal Federal Funds rate decision by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC).
Here are five key things to monitor in the market this week:
Earnings Reports
This week sees the release of major earnings reports, led by industry giants like Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), Mastercard (NYSE:MA), and Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN). Additionally, attention is on Microstrategy (NASDAQ:MSTR), with its report potentially influencing crypto markets. Amazon’s earnings, particularly significant due to its insights into consumer and business spending habits, notably in cloud infrastructure, are scheduled for Tuesday after-hours.
Mastercard’s report on Wednesday offers further insights into overall spending trends, potentially shedding light on consumer weaknesses if increasing delinquencies are reported. Thursday brings Apple’s earnings, historically capable of influencing the entire market given its substantial weight in various funds and indexes.
ISM Manufacturing PMI
The Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI), hovering around the 50-level indicative of mild contraction or expansion, holds significance amid renewed inflation concerns. A robust PMI indicating manufacturing strength may trigger market sell-offs, while a miss could fuel rallies.
Federal Funds Rate (FOMC)
Wednesday’s Federal Funds rate announcement typically serves as a market mover. With inflation back on the radar, any deviation from the expected stable rate of 5.50% could trigger significant market reactions. Attention also centers on the FOMC statement and subsequent press conference for insights into the Fed’s rate trajectory.
Non-Farm Payrolls
Friday’s release of Non-Farm Payrolls, consistently surpassing expectations in recent months, could impact market sentiment. A continued beat may lead to stock declines, reflecting perceived economic strength. However, nuances within the report, including revisions and part-time employment data, warrant careful scrutiny.
Commodities and Currencies
Gold, oil, and the USDJPY currency pair have experienced retracements from recent highs, influencing equity markets. Strong commodities may divert investment away from stocks, while oil price fluctuations affect consumer goods and transportation costs. Moreover, the strength of the USDJPY can impact treasury markets, potentially affecting overall market liquidity.
Monitoring these commodities and currencies provides valuable insights into future market trends.
In summary, this week promises a flurry of market-moving events, from earnings releases to crucial economic indicators and commodity price movements, shaping investor sentiment and market direction.
