Houthi Rebels Attack Two Commercial Ships in Gulf of Aden

Yemen’s Houthi rebels carried out attacks on two commercial vessels in the Gulf of Aden over the weekend, marking the 175th such attack since November 19, 2023.

These attacks escalated earlier this month following joint strikes by the U.S. and U.K. targeting Houthi facilities in Yemen, including a weapons storage facility, missile launchers, and a command-and-control center.

F-18 fighter jets from the USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier were used in these strikes.

U.S. Central Command reported on Sunday that the Houthis launched two anti-ship ballistic missiles (ASBMs) from Yemen into the Gulf of Aden over the weekend.

One of the ASBMs hit the Liberian-flagged, Swiss-owned container ship, M/V Tavvishi.

While reportedly damaged, the M/V Tavvishi continued its voyage to its destination.

The second ASBM was destroyed by a coalition ship before reaching its target.

In a separate Houthi attack, one ASBM and one anti-ship cruise missile (ASCM) were launched into the Gulf of Aden.

Central Command confirmed that both missiles struck the M/V Norderney, an Antigua and Barbados-flagged cargo ship owned and operated by Germany.

The M/V Norderney also sustained damage but continued towards its destination.

Neither cargo ship strike resulted in any reported injuries.

Since late October, the Houthis have been targeting shipping vessels in the Red Sea, claiming these attacks are retaliation for Israel’s ongoing war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Since November, the attacks on ships have totaled over 50, resulting in the deaths of three sailors, the seizure of one vessel, and the sinking of another, according to the U.S. Maritime Administration.

In response to these attacks, the Pentagon launched an international mission called Operation Prosperity Guardian in late December to counter the Houthi attacks.

Digital’s Bradford Betz contributed to this report.
